
Showing posts from February, 2019

Intro to Single-Parent Surrogacy

Navigating the world of parenthood can be a challenge for any parent from the time that you discover you are expecting through the child’s adulthood. They don’t say “it takes a village” for nothing. When you are a single individual who wants to expand their family through surrogacy, you will want to have that village behind you. For the duration of your surrogate mother’s pregnancy, labor, and delivery, our team at Baby Steps Surrogacy Center, Inc. will be right here, ready to help you in every way we can. Why Some People Choose Single Parenthood There are many different reasons why a person might choose to raise their child on their own. Perhaps they haven’t met the person they want to spend their life with yet but are ready to become a parent now; or maybe they simply have no desire to be in a relationship or married but have always longed to experience life as a parent. In any case, the reasons why someone would choose single parenthood are more or less irrelevant. The fa